Tuesday, 30 August 2011


 i got a bit bored of the white walls...

I was inspired by the artists at  Charleston Farmhouse to paint the walls, the farmhouse is half a mile from Firle village. Virginia Woolf lived in Firle and would walk the old coach road that leads to the Bloomsbury farm.


I took a course in Mezzotint led by Ray Dennis at Brighton Independent Printmakers. It's the reverse of etching...you burnish the light back from the dark on the rocked copper plate. 
Here is a brief description: Mezzotint achieves tonality by roughening the plate with thousands of little dots made by a metal tool with small teeth, called a "rocker." In printing, the tiny pits in the plate hold the ink when the face of the plate is wiped clean.
 I made this print on the course.
 the little picture of the kid with the bear hood is by Ray Dennis. His work is amazing...there is such a lot of detail and delicacy. I bought this from him ...and i love it. Below is a picture of a 'rocker' for creating the surface on the copper plate.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

delivering to Avocet Gallery

I now have work in Rye Harbour at Avocet Gallery and Tea Room http://www.avocetgalleryandtea.co.uk/ ... it's a really beautiful area that has inspired artists for years. I delivered my work by bicycle, then went for a bike ride through the nature reserve and found a really cool house on the beach made from two old train carriages... Also recently I discovered the books by Lloyd Kahn and his blog http://lloydkahn-ongoing.blogspot.com/ which if you like wood, trees and natural build architecture like me then feast your eyes over one of his books published by Shelter Publications, -  they are awesome, truely inspiring...my future project will be to build my own house ...first step to build a clay pizza and bread oven

Friday, 19 August 2011

salad days!

I made these for a friends wedding last week, thought they looked nice enough to post ;)

wild rice with toasted almonds
 quinoa tabouleh with wild mint
classic greek salad