Monday 10 October 2011


I went to Tampere, Finland last weekend to meet up with the author Mikael Davies. He writes modern fairy tales set in a world half way between the dark Finnish forests and the woodlands of Devon. A very inspiring trip, I hope I will return.
Mike introduced me to Kalevala, a 19th century work of epic poetry. The story begins with the traditional Finnish creation myth....  the creation of the earth, plants, creatures and the sky.
The Defence of the Sampo, Tempera 1896

  The illustrations by Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931) took me to another world, after a week back in England I feel as though part of me is still there in that landscape.
Pirkanmaa park in Tampere

cardamon doughnut and coffee

view from the doughnut tower

smoked salmon, small white fish(!), grilled veg & garlic sauce from the market